Aphasia Advocates

Aphasia Advocates 

is a place to learn about Aphasia and resources to help you on your journey. 

 Welcome to Brain Friends

Meet the Brain Friends

Dr. D. Seles  a neuroscientist and speech language pathologist and Angie C., President of ARCH, 2x stroke survivor and aphasia advocate. Listen, laugh, and learn with these two stakeholders determined to make a difference in aphasia advocacy.

The Brain Friends podcast is space for neuro nerds and stroke survivors to talk all things aphasia, language recovery, culture, and community

Click here now www.buzzsprout.com/1959705

Check out the latest episode of  Brain Friends Now!

 Aphasia videos

Adler KC 100.mp4


ROSA Resource Orientation for Stroke and Aphasia ™

An annual Aphasia resource conference specifically targeted to the stroke survivors 3-12 months post. Invite Hospital Staff and EMT staff, University lab staff  families and caregivers once a year to the conference.

 It is a gateway for people with aphasia plugged into the community faster and more seamlessly.  Rather than survivors  just  being  bounced around we are making a concerted effort to invite them to a conference once a year. 

 A introduction to research and Support, participants will see and hear the difference that it has made to  me and others through testimonials from other survivors.  

Talks on things learned, best practices and  a “12 Steps to Stroke Survival with Aphasia”

"If we can educate people with aphasia while they're still looking for answers, it'll lead to greater outcomes for the people with Aphasia and for the people that wish to help them." Angie C.